If you’re already here, you’re probably a little curious. You’re wondering, who is this guy who sent us his resume? Does he really have an entire website dedicated to his potential employment? Is this all he does in his spare time?
Well, lets put some of this to bed, shall we?
Obviously, my name is John Hart. I’m 48 years old and based in Portland, OR. I’m originally from a tiny military town in the California desert, and grew up in Washington, D.C. I’m an only child and was raised by a single mother. The Moms was a pretty big influence on me in many ways. She’s been owner and president of her own editorial firm for over 20 years and is a proud and hardworking CEO. Likewise, my Mom bought her first Mac in the late 80’s. That little computer just might have been life changing for me.
Growing up, I was surrounded by the burgeoning desktop publishing industry, and fell in love with it’s toys. Some kids wanted scooters, I wanted a new Mac. While my friends were in Little League, I was learning Photoshop. At the same time, my first job was working in my high school’s printshop, running a printing press. Four years later, I was running the whole shop. At the same time, I was snowboarding, skateboarding, and learning to play multiple instruments (didnt every kid want to be in a band?)
Once off to college, I initially majored in printing (we’re talking industrial printing. Not print-making), but realized I was more arty than not. This led me to follow my intuition through multiple locales and courses of study, while working multiple jobs at the same time, in order to make ends meet. This finally normalized when I discovered the world of Apple IT support, and I was able to focus my energies into a professional career.
Since then, I’ve worked at multiple shops supporting Apple. It can safely be said that I predate Apple Retail Stores. I can also lay claim to remembering a time before Steve Jobs returned to Apple. As I’ve followed my career path, my vocation has enabled me to indulge some odd and interesting pass-times as well. I’ve collected obscure vintage Apple hardware. For a good while, I painted Mac’s to look like hot-rods. The work of ModYourMac.com was good enough to be featured in magazines like MacWorld, MacFormat, and MacAddict. My award winning work was also on display at MacWorld SF for multiple years.
Now, I’ve been settled in Portland for about seventeen years. In the summer of 2015, I married my long-time girlfriend Meghan, with whom I own an old Craftsman home, and three cats. When I’m not working (or building resume websites), I’m riding/working on motorcycles, fixing my car (and my friend’s cars), working on my house, writing music for the band that never was, or I’m in the kitchen working on some recipe that I have to get right. It’s also highly possible I could be reading, thinking about snowboarding, or building yet another website to support whatever hobby has most recently captured my interest. At the same time, I look out for my Mom, and am helping her through the process of maintaining her Seattle home. Man, life sure does keep you busy!